Ignite SA’s preserve challenge to digitally showcase the South Australian Museum’s Aboriginal Collection (144)
Ignite SA is a state based program that fosters local application development which requires access to high speed networks. One method that Ignite SA has undertaken to build this base practice has been to identify community issues and create interesting challenges to bring about the various stakeholders within the South Australian community with a purpose to solve them through innovative software applications. After identifying that the South Australian Museum are holders of one of the largest indigenous collections in the world whereby they curate over 35,000 Aboriginal artefacts of which only 5-6% are ever presented to the South Australian community, IgniteSA sort to make this more accessible by challenging those startups, entrepreneurs, innovators to present ways to digitally engage an expanded audience. While the project isn’t yet complete, this presentation will highlight Ignite SA’s approach to get the right people involved and detail some of the learnings from the journey so far.