Natalia Grincheva — Digital Humanities Australasia 2018

Natalia Grincheva

The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Dr Grincheva is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Research Unit of Public Cultures at the University of Melbourne. She pursues her career in the field of digital humanities focusing on development of new computational methods to study contemporary museums as important players in creative economy. She is currently working on two books, contracted by Routledge in 2017. The first book, Branding the Global Guggenheim: Cultural Diplomacy in the Neoliberal Age, will explore franchising museum practices as new avenues for contemporary institutional diplomacy and global museum PR. The second monograph, Museum Diplomacy in the Digital Age, will contribute to the ‘Museum Meanings’ Routledge series. It will explore online museum spaces as sites of social activism and digital diplomacy through several case studies of the largest museums in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Dr Grincheva's current research interests include deep mapping and digital visualization of museum multiple impacts upon their neighborhoods, cities and societies in a larger global context. She is working on the research project that aims to employ Geographic Information Technologies to develop a digital mapping research tool which can visualize time-space development of museum “soft power,” defined as an institutional ability to attract large and diverse audiences and generate economic capital. This project received 2017 Museum Computer Network Award for developing innovative solutions to enhance museum transparency and strengthen proactive management in global museum PR and international programming.